October 7, 2018

Kids Night In - Common Bonds

"Smiles are the same, and hearts are just the same, wherever they are, wherever you are, wherever we are.." - Mem Fox (author)

If you've been following along with us, you already know how much my kids love getting a Kids Night In box every month. It's fun and educational, so what's not to love? The September theme was called Common Bonds, and title says exactly what it was about...learning about common bonds between everyone, everywhere. Though me may look different, speak different, live in different parts of the world, there are so many traits that make us all the same. A message that needs to be heard AROUND THE WORLD because differences really are what bring us together.

Before I dig in a little more to the September theme, October has a spooky Halloween theme so be sure to click here if you’d like to give it a try and get yours delivered, you won’t be disappointed! (Order cutoff for the Halloween box is Oct. 13th.)

If you need to read a little more about Night In Boxes, click here, otherwise let’s get going and see why last month's box was truly a great topic, especially for kids, but even for adults. 

What’s Inside?
night in itinerary*
book related to topic – Wherever We Are by Mem Fox
This Bar Saves Lives x2 (kids chocolate chip)
Recipe with shopping list
Inflatable globe
Pen Pal Letter
Game Cards
Game figurines x2

Common Bonds Themed Menu
Friendship Mix
Minestrone Friendship Soup

One of my favorite aspects of the Kids Night In box is that the included books are always top notch. This month's Reading Rainbow book was titled Whoever You Are by Mem Fox. It is a beautifully illustrated book with great meaning. It is a simple way to teach children about differences around the world, while also focusing on things that make us the same such as smiling, our hurts, and our happiness. When the little boy has a scraped knee, my son was able to connect with that because he too falls and gets hurt sometimes.
We also enjoy the little snacks that are sent each month. This month has the This Bar Saves Lives Kids Chocolate Chip bar. If you have never heard of them, you should check them out! When you buy a bar, This Bar Saves Lives gives food aid to children and families in need. How amazing is that?! They were also very delicious.

The itinerary also had some great questions related to the book and could easily be adapted to any age. There were pre-reading, during, and post reading questions that helped to dig a little deeper into what this book was trying to tell us. For example, one of the questions to ask during reading was - what does "love the same" mean? 

After reading we used the inflatable globe to talk about different places. We just moved halfway across the country, so showing our son where we used to live and where we are now just showed him how big our world actually is. The globe was great to use for the included Spotify soundtrack, listening to the music and finding the country that the songs represent was a fun and useful learning game!

Another activity was writing to a Pen Pal about yourself in order to connect with other kids in other places who also love getting their Kids Night In boxes. Although my son can't write whole words other than his name, he had fun answering the questions while I wrote down his answers. What a fun way to learn about others!

At the end of the itineary was a fun Around the World game, which is when the 2 little figurines came out to play! My 2.5 year old was a little too young, but with my help we were able to all play together. The game was great for recognizing colors and counting, as the game cards had pictures and colors, and although no one actually won (because kids), we all had a fun time and my oldest has played a few solo games since.

Are you ready to give Night In Boxes a try? I'd love for you to use my link to shop, and be sure to let me know how you like it! Click here to try out your own Kids/Date Night In: Sign me up!

*I received this Kid’s Night In box for free in exchange for a review, all opinions are my own. This post DOES contain affiliate links, which means if you click on them and purchase your own Night In Box using the links posted, I may make a commission.

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