April 12, 2017

Easter Basket Ideas for the Baby & Toddler

As I am brainstorming and asking my husband for advice on what to get the kids to fill their baskets, he quickly reminded me that it isn't Christmas and giving them a little is more. I also don't like impractical gifts that I am going to wish I had just avoided (you know, like EVERY present my kids get for Christmas or birthdays), so I came up with a few things that I knew they would love and would get used.

I didn't go all out like some baskets I have seen because well, I can't always be a Pinterest mom, but how many "things" do a 13 month old and 3 year old really need, especially after both of them having recent birthdays and Christmas just months prior.

Something to read:
I learned about these awesome "Indestructible" books from my cousin [in law] Tara. She sent my boys a Spring package which included one of these books and right away the baby put it to the test. He has chewed it, slobbered on it, stepped on it, crumbled it, spilled on it....and nothing! It has held up completely. The colorful pages are gorgeous and grab his attention..a perfect beginners book, which also happen to be very inexpensive. We got C the "Things That Go" book to go with the Farm Animal one he already has. 
In that package was also a Disney Sticker Scenes Book. You place the stickers onto the correct scenes in the story, and the picture where there sticker covers is black and white to help put the right stickers in the right places. With that said, D loved it so much, so he is getting a Finding Nemo Sticker Scene book in his basket.
Something to wear:
Spring time is here in Florida, which means it is basically Summer. Both boys are getting a Cat & Jack swim suits that they'll be able to wear all season long. C already had the swim shorts from his birthday last month so I only had to get him the rash guard. They will be starting swim lessons soon so it is something that is needed. D is getting a new baseball hat, and I sewed C a reversible sun bonnet to wear outside while playing.
Something to play:
Seriously, the comment about toys is true, we have too many! I considered a toy book with buttons for C, but decided on this adorable Skip Hop Explore & More Animal Matching Book. I plan to keep this in the car for keeping him entertained. It is crinkly, it rattles, and he will easily be able to turn the pages and see the cute pictures!
D will LOVE these Melissa and Doug See & Spell Wooden Puzzles that he is getting in his basket, and I will too. It will help him to associate words with pictures and start working on his early literacy skills. Educational is much, much better than something that will end up lost or forgotten.
Something useful:
A toothbrush! Instead of candy I'm handing out toothbrushes! Actually, I am pretty awful..this is C's first toothbrush. I love the shape of the Mam Learn to Brush toothbrushes, so I got the set that he will be able to grow into and eventually use on his own. It has a training brush and a mouth guard to keep them from brushing too far back and well, gagging themselves.
Something to watch:
D really loves to watch movies to wind down at night, so we are adding Moana to his Disney collection. We all love this movie, so it will be perfect for the whole family.

Here is a closer of look of each kid's basket, along with the links of where to get them. All of these can be bought at Target or on Amazon, so you still have time to get a few last minute items!

D's Easter Basket 
D Easter
one // two // three // four // five // six

C's Easter Basket
C Easter2
one // two // three // four // five

It isn't much, but how much does a 13 month old and 3 year old really need?

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